Welch Labs Now Offering Computer Vision and Machine Learning Consulting Services

It’s an exciting time to be in machine learning and computer vision. A rapidly advancing state of the art is creating new ways to solve old problems and bringing about entirely new business opportunities.

Along with these new opportunities comes new challenges.

1.    Keeping up with the latest developments is really hard. ~35k new computer science papers published on arxiv in 2018 alone.

2.    Hype/noise can make it difficult to see where the real opportunities are – what’s really feasible and what isn’t? Where is real value being created, and what hot topics will fade away in the coming years?

3.    The tooling is changing rapidly – Tensorflow will be just 4 years old this year, PyTorch will be 3. No one on the planet has more than 5 years of experience in these tools.

What machine learning or computer vision innovations will drive value for your business? How will you go about getting the solutions out of the lab and into production?

Welch Labs is uniquely positioned to help your business tackle these challenges and capitalize on new opportunities. We have deep expertise in modern algorithm design, implementation, testing, and deployment. We work closely with your team to identify the truly impactful innovations for your new and existing business applications; build, test, and deploy solutions, and clearly communicate processes and results.

Have a tough machine learning or computer vision problem? We would love to hear more about it – reach us here.